Marina Celander is a dancer, singer and theatre artist living and working in NYC, originally from Sweden, of Asian and Swedish heritage. She studied dance at London Contemporary Dance School, England, and theatre at the Gene Frankel Theatre Workshop, NYC, and has performed in both dance and theatre nationally and internationally. She has also been honored to work under the direction of Ellen Stewart in DIONYSUS FILIUS DEI, as well as with master puppeteers Theodora Skipitares and Cathy Shaw at La Mama ETC, Christine Sang at Ohio Theatre, NYC, and in many productions with Virlana Tkacz and Yara Arts Group in NYC and in Kyiv, Ukraine. Marina has had the good fortune of working with Fred Ho/Ruth Margraff in several of Fred Ho’s martial arts extravaganzas sine 1999. She has been seen in Fred Ho/Ruth Margraff’s DEADLY SHE WOLF ASSASSIN AT ARMAGEDDON! at La Mama; VOICE OF THE DRAGON I; VOICE OF THE DRAGON II: SHAOLIN SECRET STORIES (showcase and album recording); and DRAGON VS EAGLE (workshop productions and album recording). Marina received Pan Asian Rep Theatre’s annual 2014 Red Socks award “in appreciation of a deserving artist” from Tisa Chang. She is forever grateful for the friendship and performance opportunities with Fred Ho. Much love to you, Fred.
Yoshi Amao : An actor, martial artist and comedian from Osaka, Japan. He moved to New York in 1990. He is the founder of the sword fighting exercise group, Samurai Boot Camp!(SBC) and the sword fighting performance group, Samurai Sword Soul (SSS). SSS has performed in several states in the US including New York, New Jersey, D.C., Boston and Connecticut. They were invited to perform at the premier event of award winning movie, Last Samurai. They also held a demonstration on the Today Show. Following the group’s success, Yoshi obtained the title character for the TV series, “Samurai Sportsman” on Outdoor Life Network (OLN). He was then invited to host reality game show, Big In Japan, which played in Greece, Sweden and Denmark. Other TV credits include WHITE COLLAR, THE LATE SHOW WITH CONAN O’BRIEN, LATE NIGHT WITH JIMMY FALLON, BUDWEISER COMMERCIAL (Wasabi version) and MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL PROMO on ESPN. Film credits include The Beaver, directed by Jodie Foster. Theatre credits include the leading role of Rogue in the workshop production of DEADLY SHE-WOLF ASSASSIN AT ARMAGEDDON! (2005 & 2006). In June 2013, he will be hosting reality game show “Japanese Invasion.” Yoshi currently leads a Samurai Sword workshop in
Ai Ikeida : She began her ballet training at Tokyo Ballet School in Japan at the age of 6. Since moving to New York, she has worked with eDance, Peggy Choy Dance, Blue Muse Dance, Crossing Jamaica Avenue, Spinnin Ronin Martial Arts Dance Theater, Akim Funk Buddha and Taiko Masala. In 2013, she starred as She-Wolf in DEADLY SHE-WOLF ASSASSIN AT ARMAGEDDON! at LaMaMa Theater, a character which she has been developed from the workshop period. A 2-time gold medal winner of the USA WKF National Championship in Wushu, she has been selected to be on the 2014 USA Traditional Wushu Team.
Teake : Teake is a New Haven performance-based martial artist as well as Wushu and Taichi instructor. In addition to martial arts, he is a visual artist as well as a recording artist who performs poetry and music frequently throughout the New Haven and NYC area. All his work as well as contact information can be found at his website:
Luca Nicora : Luca is an actor, model and butoh dancer. He has been practicing martial arts, yoga, clowning, butoh and physical theatre for several years. As a child he dreamt to become a clown but at age 10 he saw an Italian production of Romeo and Juliet with such an energy that awoke in him a passion for acting. Since then he has been in shows every year and has since moved to NYC to pursue his training. Luca graduated at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York. Some of his recent acting/dancing credits include: ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK, PARABLE CONFERENCE (BAM), DEADLY SHEWOLF ASSASIN AT ARMAGEDDON! (La Mama ETC), LADY IN RED CONVERSES WITH DIABLO (Art@Renaissance), MARTINI, SWISS INT’L AIRLINES; choreography credit: BUTOH ELECTRA (Irondale Center).
Jerry Ford : A Detroit, MI native residing in New York as a working actor, writer & martial artist. He is a graduate of Rutgers University, where he received a BFA in Theater/TV. Jerry strongly promotes his one man show HOPE, based on his life, has been featured at a variety of colleges and universities, local theaters in Detroit and motivational retreats. Jerry is also known for his martial arts skills winning multiple gold medals in the Junior Olympic, U.S Open & other national tournaments. His martial arts styles include: Tae Kwon do, Wu Shu, Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, Wing Chun, Muay Thai & Gymnastics. Jerry is currently finishing his first book, an autobiography entitled “From One Road to the Next”. He is also preparing to bring Hope to the New York City area soon. Film/TV Credits: include HOMECOMING, DIVINE RITE, PERSON OF INTEREST, THE ORDINANCE AND ONION SPORTS DOME. Stage Credits: include HOPE (a one man show), HAMLET, OTHELLO, and BROTHER SIZE.
Perry Yung : He has worked with Fred Ho since he first arrived in New York City in 1991. He has also been a proud member of La MaMa E.T.C.’s Great Jones Repertory Group since 1994 and is a founding member of the SLANT Performance Group. SLANT has toured to over forty colleges and universities across America and has been presented by the East West Players, Japanese American Cultural and Community Center, Belgrade International Theater Festival, the Painted Bride and Philadelphia Fringe Festival. In 2002, Perry received a Japan/US Friendship Commission Grant allowing him to study the shakuhachi bamboo flute with master Kinya Sogawa, and Butoh dance with Kazuo and Yoshito Ohno. Perry also collaborates with Maura Donohue on various projects, including raising two wonderful children – Sasa and Jet.
Rick Ebihara : Rick is a proud member of the SLANT Performance Group. He has performed with La MaMa ETC Repertory Company, InMixed Company, Fred Ho and the Afro Asian Music Ensemble, Pan Asian Repertory Theatre, Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival, Theaterworks USA, Chen and Dancers, Theatre for a New Audience, and in Symphony Spaces’ Selected Shorts series. He has conceived and written the puppet pop opera 47TH STREET HOTEL at the Art’s at St. Ann’s Puppet Lab and as a part of The La MaMa International Puppet Series Festival. He has performed with the Cleveland Opera Chorus in productions of CARMEN, LA BOHEME, LA NOZZE DI FIGARO, TURANDOT, IL TROVATORE WITH SHERRILLE MILNES, PIRATES OF PENZANCE, THE MERRY WIDOW, and RIGOLLETTO.
Takemi Kitamura : Native of Osaka, Japan, graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a BA in Dance-Education from Hunter College where she received the Choreographic Award from the Dance Program. Her work has been presented at New York venues including St. Marks Church, BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange, BRIC Studio, WAX/Williamsburg Art neXus. South Oxford Space, Lexington Center for the Arts in Lexington. As a performer, She appeared most recently in THE OLDEST BOY as a puppetter/dancer @ Lincoln Center Theater and THE INDIAN QUEEN, opera directed by Peter Sellars, as a dancer. She has worked with numerous choreographers and companies, such as Nami Yamamoto, Sondra Loring, Sally Silvers, Christopher Williams, The Body Cartography Project, Risa Jaroslow and Dancers, to name a few. She was also performing as a leading role in Samurai Sword Soul, Japanese sword fighting theater group, for 8 years. Her puppeteer credits include Phantom Limb Company, The Little Orchestra Society, Tom Lee, and Lake Simons and John Dyer.
Koji Nishiyama : He was born and raised in Nagoya, Japan. After completing his civil engineering degree, he decided to pursue his long time passion – acting. He came to New York in 2009 where he graduated from the New York Film Academy acting program. He then joined the Samurai Sword Soul (SSS) theater company where he trained in sword fighting. He has been working and performing with them ever since. Koji is not a stranger to dramatic, action and comedic roles. Theatre credits include THE WRESTLER, RED BULL AND THE INFINITE SPIRITS. Film credits include VAMPIRE HUNTER, AFRO SAMURAI, CHASE AND WAX MUSEUM. Koji’s hunger for new knowledge and experiences encourages him to continuously advance in his acting career.
Bradley Fong : A newcomer to the drama acting world, comes in playing the role of “The Boy”, son of the Rogue Assassin. He is the son of Bill Fong (Sifu of the Fong’s Hung Ga Kung Fu Association) and Takako Nomura-Fong (former member of the Yoshimoto Comedy troupe of Osaka, Japan). He lives in East Brunswick, NJ with his family and attends the Third grade at Murray A. Chittick Elementary School. Bradley enjoys participating on the Gymnastics team, practicing Kung Fu, and playing soccer.

Yukari Osaka : Yukari is a dancer, performer, choreographer and dance instructor originally from Kobe, Japan. Ms. Osaka began her ballet training with Shibata Dance Studio and continued on with Sadamatsu-Hamada Ballet School where she joined their professional ballet company. After she moved to New York, she completed the Independent Study Program at The Ailey School. Ms. Osaka has danced for Yaa Samar! Dance Theatre as a founding member since 2006. She has also worked with ARis~Absolute Reality of the Indefinite Sense which is a multimedia cinematic dance performance group as a performer and a choreographer. She has appeared in various dance/theatre festivals and productions including Dance Biennale Tokyo (Japan), Downtown Dance Festival (NY), Jacob’s Pillow Inside/Out Festival (MA), and “Les Contes D’Hoffmann” at the Metropolitan Opera at Lincoln Center. Her choreography credit includes music video “white sea” which has selected at the music video branch of Raindance Film Festival in 2014.